A local Colorado man who was divorced twice, had his house foreclosed upon, his mobile home burned down, dog killed, a business that went into bankruptcy and a brother who died of a heart attack was killed on Friday finally ending his streak of misery.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
A local Colorado man who was divorced twice, had his house foreclosed upon, his mobile home burned down, dog killed, a business that went into bankruptcy and a brother who died of a heart attack was killed on Friday finally ending his streak of misery.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
all day
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
have fun storming the castle

when i was in england i remember spending hours just looking at castles. how much work went into them. the work of the hands of a thousand men...more even.
it would be a nicer thought if they weren't mostly built under pain of death... but i'd like to think they were built out of voluntary cooperation for the interests of everyone.
more research on my end perhaps.
i've been feeling that overwhelming sense of busyness day in and day out. no matter what i do or put my attention to, there's always something else that's being neglected.
i need the hands of a thousand men.
thank goodness for a lady like katie.
imagination club,
Saturday, October 25, 2008
the yew norker

"Artist Bob Stake used Photoshop 3.0 on Mac OS 7 to create this cover for The New Yorker recently. I guess you use what you know… The video above shows Bob progressing through the design, it’s a nice glimpse into another artist’s process. The whole story and more details are here. Via Gizmodo" -iso50
i tried my hand at bob's style. took about 20 minutes to come up with my version. not spot on, but this was my first time. the video helped a bit to understand his technique. i watched the twice before hand and then had at my attempt without further help from the video. i only referenced the final product to try and understand the shapes he used.

definitely something worth dabbling in. give it a shot.
plenty more videos of bob at work. that guy is a mad man.
[video 1] [video2] [video3]
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
mini photobooth explosion

Friday, September 12, 2008
The screen that explodes. The bubble that pops. The egg that bursts (i.e. the chicken that aborts). Blink and you miss everything.
But once equipped with the right tools, those moments of molecular chaos become an unashamed apology of the beauty of destruction.
What eludes our vision suddenly becomes a distorted moment out of time captured on high-speed cameras retina, an ephemeral pleasure blown out of proportion to last longer than it should. A short story cut long.
That persistence of memory usually comes with airy music, light piano touches and sweet violin strings to make you realize how delicate slowed down violence can be.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
x-men and the vietnam war
i spent my final hour of the evening watching cartoons.
while watching them, i couldn't help but be reminded of draft board raids during the latter part of the vietnam war in the 70's (when most americans had grown very weary of a war that had no tangible purpose or foreseeable end...sound familiar?).
a draft board raid was the sabotage of united states draft office. the purpose was to interrupt the process through which tens of thousands of young american men were being drafted and sent to fight in vietnam. it was also held quite a bit of symbolism, as many of them were public.
they were carried out by activists who not only believed that the united states draft was unjust, but also that it perpetuated injustice. they held the belief (as i do) that when a law perpetuates injustice, it is necessary to break that law. these thoughts never crossed my mind when i was 9 years old.
i wont go into full detail, but watch these cartoons and then rent the camden 28.
food for thought
episode 1, part 1
episode 1, part 2
episode 1, part 3
episode 2, part 1
episode 2, part 2
episode 2, part 3
did you know very few episodes have been released on DVD, and according to TVShowsOnDVD.com, X-Men is the ninth most requested unreleased television show and the second most requested animated television show behind MTV's Daria. regardless, there are no plans for an official release of season box sets. also, disney has no interest in releasing any of the marvel animation projects.
youtube will have to do for now.
while watching them, i couldn't help but be reminded of draft board raids during the latter part of the vietnam war in the 70's (when most americans had grown very weary of a war that had no tangible purpose or foreseeable end...sound familiar?).
a draft board raid was the sabotage of united states draft office. the purpose was to interrupt the process through which tens of thousands of young american men were being drafted and sent to fight in vietnam. it was also held quite a bit of symbolism, as many of them were public.
they were carried out by activists who not only believed that the united states draft was unjust, but also that it perpetuated injustice. they held the belief (as i do) that when a law perpetuates injustice, it is necessary to break that law. these thoughts never crossed my mind when i was 9 years old.
i wont go into full detail, but watch these cartoons and then rent the camden 28.
food for thought
episode 1, part 1
episode 1, part 2
episode 1, part 3
episode 2, part 1
episode 2, part 2
episode 2, part 3
did you know very few episodes have been released on DVD, and according to TVShowsOnDVD.com, X-Men is the ninth most requested unreleased television show and the second most requested animated television show behind MTV's Daria. regardless, there are no plans for an official release of season box sets. also, disney has no interest in releasing any of the marvel animation projects.
youtube will have to do for now.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
how to plan printing

How to Plan Printing. published in 1987 by S.D. Warren Company, a subsidiary of Scott Paper Company, which you may be more familiar with.
found this gem at a local used bookstore. they guy at the counter didn't seem to understand my interest in the material.
"how to plan printing? isn't that what kinko's is for?"
i didn't respond. after reading this review of the shop at yelp.com, i understand his tone a bit more.
81 pages. it covers design, production, typesetting, legibility, printing, binding and finishing, and paper. while some of it is outdated, it's refreshing and satisfying to keep these things a consideration.
i'm noticing now (while writing this) that the inside cover notes the paper stock used. the text stock is Lustro Dull, 80 pound. cover stock is Kivar 3-12 Graphic White Antique. i believe i'll be using kivar in the near future.
i'm pleased.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
the blue wonder
i found a camera at a local thrift store. "The JJ2000" - $3.95.
the features are as follow

"passed quality." phew! i feel better

the features are as follow
- a plastic black and blue body.
- a plastic 50mm "optical color lens."
- 4 f-stops (f6, f8, f11, & f16)
- a hot shoe (untested)
- nylon neck strap
- a "passed quality" sticker

i tried to google it, but found nothing. i scanned in a few prints from my first roll on the mystery camera. not too bad. i'm pleased =)
(1oo speed film)
(1oo speed film)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
go ahead with your own life, leave me alone
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